Friday, October 2, 2009

Obama asks moms to return to school...

Note to Barack Obama:

What genius thought this idea up? What's the purpose? What's the goal and what's the potential outcome? Here's a couple of ideas as to the source of this brilliant concept.

1. If women return to school, educational institutions will profit. They're currently struggling.
2. Most women will have to get federal student loans to pay for their education.
3. That will put fewer people on the unemployment list and skew the numbers.
4. Fewer unemployed equates to lower unemployment payments monthly.
5. Student mothers will require day care for their children, which will provide income for others.
6. More women will be qualified for new jobs, once the hiring begins. Since women are still being paid about 80% of the salary that men get, this equals less salary costs for employers.

Meanwhile, the men, will remain unemployed. A lot of those men are getting close to retirement age. Their chances of finding a job in this economy is pretty slim. I know, age discrimination is illegal. But it remains rampant in the hiring process and continues to go unpunished.

Why don't we come up with a better plan. Create an economy that puts people to work. Eliminate executive bonuses and pay employees enough so it doesn't require two incomes in order to make a decent living. Let mothers stay home with their children the way they used to. And those that have to work shouldn't have to compete in a world that still has a gender skew when it comes to salaries. Many single mothers can barely scrape by after being paid less than they deserve and having to pay for day care for their little ones.

You can come up with something better than this. Are you sending your wife back to school?

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